Islon Woolf MD
Apr 18, 20207 min read
COVID-19 risk factors: high blood pressure or high blood pressure medications?
You are all familiar with the warning, "high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease increase your risk of death from COVID-19". You...
Islon Woolf MD
Apr 10, 202010 min read
Using COVID-19 treatments before a clinical trial: a benefit-to-harm analysis
A benefits-to-harms analysis of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19
Islon Woolf MD
Apr 3, 20208 min read
A new positive Hydroxychloroquine trial, my systematic review, and updating beliefs
A new Chinese controlled trial of hydroxychloroquine was released last week. It showed that hydroxychloroquine helped COVID-19 patients
Islon Woolf MD
Mar 29, 20207 min read
Coronavirus Update - Broader symptoms; uncertainly about case fatality rate; assessing treatments
Broader symptoms At the beginning of the pandemic, scientists were trying to find symptoms or signs that distinguished COVID-19 from...
Islon Woolf MD
Mar 22, 20206 min read
Kaletra (the HIV medicine) fails to treat COVID-19 in trial
Kaletra is an anti-viral medicine used for HIV. It has had some success with other Coronaviruses, SARS and MERS, in uncontrolled trials....
Islon Woolf MD
Mar 20, 20207 min read
Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19, how to read the trial and does it work
A lot of you have reached out to me because you don’t know what information to trust, and what not to trust. This is not new in science....
Islon Woolf MD
Mar 13, 202010 min read
Coronavirus Update
1,323 confirmed cases in the US and 38 deaths as of yesterday. However, up until now we have not been aggressively testing.
Islon Woolf MD
Feb 15, 20203 min read
Coronavirus: uncertainty and assessment of risk
Fear, uncertainty, and social media are a bad combination. A perfect storm for misinformation and mass hysteria.